
Chloe Rose Stuart-Ulin is an investigative journalist and OSINT enthusiast based in Montréal, Canada. Her stories on climate change, policy, culture, and cannabis have appeared in CBC, The New York Times, The Globe and Mail, Chatelaine, Maisonneuve, Quartz, The Tyee, Capital Daily, Canada’s National Observer, and Ha’aretz.

Chloe is currently studying Biochemistry Specialization (wildfire ecology) at Concordia University.

Connect on Twitter @chloerosewrites


A Surprising Shadow Was Created by the Total Solar Eclipse (The New York Times, April 15, 2024)

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Live coverage of the total solar eclipse (The New York Times, April 8, 2024)

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Pests are destroying Canada’s trees – and a warming climate threatens to send more insects north (Canada’s National Observer, March 2022)

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Five women on the healing power of mastectomy tattoos (Chatelaine, October 2021)

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Hot Mess: the hidden perils of Canada’s pot laws 
(Maisonneuve, cover story Fall 2019)


Chloe was one of six recipients of the 2018-2019 Tom Wolfe mentorship program with the Solutions Journalism Network.